Medipocket Surrogacy USA IVF Treatment Process

During the surrogacy process, intended parents who have sought the assistance of a surrogate mother to carry their biological child are generally given preference. In most cases, the surrogate mother is compensated for her time, effort, and medical expenses incurred during the pregnancy. When selecting a surrogate mother, the intended parents’ preferences, such as their medical history, lifestyle, and personal beliefs, are taken into account. The ultimate goal is to find a surrogate mother who is willing and capable of carrying a healthy pregnancy to term and providing the intended parents with the gift of parenthood.


There are several steps that intended parents and surrogates must take prior to the surrogacy process. Among these preparations are:

Legal agreements: Both intended parents and surrogates must sign legal agreements outlining the surrogacy process’s terms and conditions. This agreement addresses both parties’ responsibilities and rights, such as parental rights, compensation, and medical expenses.

Medical examination: Both the intended parents and the surrogate must have a medical examination to ensure that they are healthy and fit to participate in the surrogacy process. The medical evaluation includes tests and procedures to detect any underlying medical conditions that may have an impact on the pregnancy or the baby’s health.

Fertility treatments: In some cases, intended parents may require fertility treatments in order to create embryos that can be implanted in the surrogate’s uterus. Medication, egg retrieval, and in vitro fertilization are all possibilities (IVF).

Psychological screening: may be performed on both intended parents and surrogates to ensure that they are emotionally prepared for the surrogacy process. This is to ensure that everyone involved is mentally prepared for the surrogacy process and understands the potential emotional challenges that may arise.


The embryo transfer process takes time, which is why it is recommended that the intended parents have plenty of time on their hands.

  • We harvest the donor’s eggs and fertilize them with either fresh or frozen sperm or a pre-arranged sperm donation to develop the embryos. Depending on the kind of therapy, our medical staff fertilizes the eggs using either traditional IVF or micro injection. The embryos in the IVF laboratory are overseen by our skilled embryology staff.
  • The attending physician and our trained medical team will monitor the embryos for the following 3* days to ensure optimal growth. Daily updates bring you up to date on the status of the project. Embryos that have reached Day 3 of development are ready for embryo transfer or vitrification (freezing), depending on your treatment plan.
  • The embryos will be properly stored and shipped to your fertility clinic as part of the frozen embryo program. The patient will next be implanted with a set of viable embryos (i.e. the intended parent or surrogate).
  • A batch of viable fresh embryos will be chosen and implanted in the recipient on-site as part of the fresh egg donation procedure.
  • A 5-day treatment module is also an option if your primary care provider agrees. This leads to a blastocyst transfer at the conclusion of a 5-day waiting period rather than a 3-day waiting period. This is also essential when doing Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS), because embryos are biopsied for genetic analysis on Day 5 of embryo development.


Your pregnancy journey is our first focus. During 10 to 14 days of the embryo transfer, a blood test will confirm your pregnancy.

Following confirmation, your medical treatment is continued at your home clinic, while MediPocket surrogacy and IVF offers any further assistance required during the first trimester.

If you still have frozen embryos and are unable to conceive, we can undertake another IVF round. If requested, we may additionally freeze any remaining or excess embryos in the facility in another country or arrange for the shipment of returned embryos to your home country for future IVF operations.