Egg Donor

From cancer survivor to parent

As a cancer survivor, you might’ve thought that holding your very own baby in your arms was something you’d never get to experience. But with Medipocket Surrogacy & Egg Donation, your aspirations of having a family can become reality with our comprehensive surrogacy process and choice of first-rate programs.

Infertility after Cancer

There are options for becoming a parent after cancer.

• If you were able to undergo fertility preservation methods (i.e. egg preservation) you can explore using IVF to carry a pregnancy.

• If you were unable to preserve eggs and are not capable of doing so, you may choose to work with an egg donor. However, you may still be able to carry your child to term.

• If your cancer has affected your ability to carry a child, you may choose to work with a surrogate (gestational carrier). You may or may not require the assistance of an egg donor as well.

You should speak to your oncologist and/or a reproductive endocrinologist (some of whom are specialists in oncofertility) to determine what would be the best option for you.

Medipocket Surrogacy provides exceptional support for cancer survivors

Medipocket believes that everyone should have the opportunity to be a parent. Our surrogacy and egg donation programs allow cancer survivors to have the families of their dreams.

With a deep understanding of infertility after cancer, Medipocket will work with intended parents to ensure they are ready emotionally, mentally and physically to begin a surrogacy journey.

Medipocket is the premier agency for those looking to have a baby after cancer. We offer:

A full-service agency with in-house social workers, lawyers and accounting
On-staff cancer survivors and parents through the program who are happy to share their stories and experiences
A variety of programs so you can choose the one that best fits your needs
Partnerships with top-notch fertility clinics
A database of hundreds of egg donors to help you find an egg donor
Support and empathy from a dedicated staff

Cancer, infertility and the Surrogacy Process

The process to becoming a parent is referred to as a “journey” – because it is just that: multiple small milestones that lead to the big event: the arrival of your baby!

The surrogacy process can be anywhere from 19-24 months long, from sign on with an agency until you’re holding your baby in your arms.

The surrogacy process looks like this:

Surrogacy consultation. All prospective intended parents will have a consultation. During this meeting you’ll share your story with us, and we will explain the surrogacy process, costs, legal and more, personalized to your situation.
Agency sign on and team. If you wish to proceed with Medipocket Surrogacy after your complimentary consultation, you’ll sign an Agreement for Services. Once the Agreement is executed, you’ll be assigned a Journey Support Team, who will guide you through every phase of the surrogacy program – from the signing of surrogacy agreements through pregnancy to the signing of the birth certificate and your safe voyage home.
Embryo creation. If you need to create embryos, or match with an egg donor to create embryos, Medipocket can assist you. Medipocket’s egg donor database is filled with amazing women ready to help you create a family. If you need a clinic recommendation in the US, Medipocket works with many reputable clinics and can help you find the best fit.
Matching. Next, you’ll be matched with your gestational surrogate!
Medical screening, legal contracts. Once matched, your surrogate will go for a medical screening at your clinic and you’ll work with your legal team at Medipocket to begin your contracts.
Embryo transfer and pregnancy confirmation. Your surrogate will travel to your fertility clinic for the embryo transfer. She will continued to be monitored locally near her home until she goes for a confirmation of pregnancy around 6 weeks.
Pregnancy! During this time you will continue to deepen your relationship with your surrogate, and begin your birth preparation with your Medipocket team.
Delivery! Intended parents will travel to where their surrogate is delivering to prepare for the birth of their baby!

Tips for a Gay Singles or Couples Looking For an Egg Donor

An egg donor database like Medipocket’s is filled with hundreds of young, bright women ready to help LGBTQ+ singles and couples grow their families.

Each egg donor profile is filled with a tremendous amount of information on each donor. You’ll find physical details and characteristics, personality traits, her education, professions and health history, photos and videos. Each profile gives you a well-rounded view of who the woman is as a person, her goals and favorite foods and more.

An egg donor database can feel overwhelming at first. Here are some tips on how to go about finding an egg donor in an egg donor database:

  • Be flexible. Keep an open mind when searching for an egg donor. If you have very specific criteria (and lots of them), the chances of you finding a donor who meets every single trait can be slim. The “perfect” donor, is a young woman who is perfect for you. When you do find your “perfect” egg donor, you should also identify a few other “almost perfect” donors, should your first choice not be available. (Or, if you do move forward with your first choice and she isn’t medically cleared or doesn’t produce enough eggs, you will need to look for a new donor, so it’s good to have a few on your short list.)
  • Don’t forget: nature vs nurture! While looking at a database can help you imagine what your future child will be like, remember that not every characteristic or quality is hereditary. You may see this in your own family: a brother or sister who has a darker complexion or lighter hair, or who possess a talent that no one else does. Who your child grows up to be is also influenced by your community and how s/he is raised.