People are more willing to explore new tactics and ways as the country evolves and current generations are more open to new experiences. Surrogacy is also included under this group. This novel approach has caused quite a stir in the world of pregnancy. In the current context, the unique way of conceiving a child is extensively employed by many, and the surrogacy sector is a rapidly increasing industry in recent years.

Will child born through surrogacy have the same DNA or genes?Nonetheless, a typical query emerges in the minds of inquiring folks at this time. Will a child’s DNA be the same as his or her parents’ or surrogate mother’s? This question will be answered in the following article.


Before moving forward, let us learn what surrogacy is and how is it done?




Surrogacy is a contract in which a woman (known as a surrogate) undertakes to bear and deliver a kid for another person or couple (called intended parents). Surrogacy may be sought by intended parents for a variety of reasons, including infertility, medical issues that make pregnancy dangerous, or a same-sex couple hoping to have a biological child.




Traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy are the two basic kinds of surrogacy. Traditional surrogacy involves the surrogate being inseminated with the intended father’s or donor sperm and carrying the baby to term. The surrogate carries an embryo developed from the intended parents’ egg and sperm, or from donor egg or sperm, in gestational surrogacy.


Surrogacy is a complicated practice that involves legal agreements, medical procedures, and careful emotional support. Screening and matching intended parents and surrogates, fertility treatments to prepare the surrogate’s body for pregnancy, and continued medical care during the pregnancy are all part of the procedure. In many circumstances, the intended parents and surrogate form a strong bond and collaborate to achieve a successful pregnancy and birth.


Surrogacy may provide intended parents the possibility to have a biological child, as well as surrogates the ability to help bring new life into the world. To guarantee the greatest possible outcome for everyone involved, it is critical to thoroughly analyse all parts of the surrogacy process and to collaborate with qualified specialists.


Will the child have same DNA as the surrogate mother?


When we obtain valuable knowledge on surrogacy, we must also be aware of other beneficial information that many people have in mind. Will the surrogate kid have the same genes or DNA as the surrogate mother?


The major reason that surrogacy is a taboo issue in India is because many people believe that the kid would legitimately not be the couple’s but rather belong to a third party, which is surrogates, due to the use of surrogates’ womb to bear the child. Indians regard and claim natural methods of conception as sacred, which also implies that they cherish and desire their genes or DNA to be passed down to the heirloom or kid.


To answer the question about genes or DNA, no, the child born through surrogacy will not share the surrogate mother’s genes or DNA. Depending on the kind of surrogacy, the child’s genetic material comes from the intended parents or donors.


The surrogate mother’s egg is fertilised with sperm from the intended father or a donor in conventional surrogacy, which means the kid will share some genetic material with the surrogate mother. In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother bears an embryo developed by in vitro fertilisation (IVF) with the intended parents’ or donors’ eggs and sperm. The kid will not share any genetic material with the surrogate mother in this situation.


Even though the surrogate mother is not genetically connected to the kid, her health and well-being can nevertheless have an impact on the growth of the foetus throughout pregnancy.


Gene influence on baby through surrogacy


A surrogate cannot impact a baby’s genes since the baby’s genetic material is provided by the intended parents, either through their own eggs and sperm or the use of donated eggs and sperm. The surrogate’s function is to bear and deliver the baby, but she makes no genetic contributions to the kid. Yet, there is some evidence that the environment in which the baby grows during pregnancy, including variables such as diet, stress, and toxicity exposure, can alter gene expression and hence the infant’s health and development.


Genetic expression


Gene expression is the process by which cells employ genetic information to make functional proteins, which are the building blocks of our bodies. The genetic material that defines a child’s qualities is handed down from the biological parents rather than the surrogate mother.


Although the surrogate mother carries and feeds the embryo during pregnancy, the genetic material from the biological parents determines the child’s DNA, which is used by the developing foetus to regulate gene expression and build functioning proteins.


As a result, the genetic information inherited from the biological parents, rather than the surrogate mother, will impact gene expression in a kid born through surrogacy. Yet, there is evidence that the prenatal environment can influence gene expression and the health consequences of the kid.


Will the child look like a surrogate?


A prevalent myth is that the child delivered through surrogacy will resemble the surrogate mother. This is not accurate, because the child’s genetic material comes from the intended parents, not the surrogate. The physical appearance of the kid is determined by genetic composition, which is a mix of genetic material from the intended parents’ eggs and sperm. The surrogate mother bears and raises the kid in her womb but contributes no genetic material to the infant. As a result, the surrogate kid is more likely to resemble the intended parents or their biological relatives than the surrogate mother.


Are you willing to move forward with surrogacy?


Anybody who wants to start or extend their family has the freedom to do so. Yet, owing to a variety of conditions and challenges, some people are unable to conceive naturally and lose faith in the process. Surrogacy is always the ideal option for couples who want to bring a bundle of joy into their house. It makes no difference who the partners are or why they are choosing this choice. It might be because of infertility or other personal reasons. Yet, anybody may use surrogacy to become a parent using this novel procedure.


MediPocket surrogacy and IVF is ideal for Indian couples. Indian couples can obtain surrogacy services straight from the United States. Top fertility experts from the world’s best institutions have joined us on this tour to celebrate parenthood and raise awareness about a specific procedure that delivers life into the world. Register now to book a free consultation for surrogacy.

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