Gender or Sex of the baby is considered to be the most awaited news that people, especially parents want to hear. In the Mediaeval times,the birth of a Girl child is considered unethical and Gratuitous whereas the arrival of a Boy will light up the whole town.

Do the same circumstances occur even in this 21st Century? Maybe.

In slime parts of Rural India, the need for the Boy is so immense that if a woman gives birth to a girl, she is blamed for the unwanted gender. The Hospitals and its corridors have heard more gasps and mutters over the fact that a lady has gone through hours of labour pain, only to deliver an unneeded child. Isn’t that obnoxious?

Everybody blames the birth-giver for the current circumstances but nobody knows that the creation of a Gender is completely relied on the male, rather than the female.

In this blog, let’s explore on the topic of Gender of the baby and who is responsible for it

What is Biological Sex ?

Who Determines the Gender or Sex of the Baby? 

Biological sex refers to the physiological and genetic attributes that distinguish male and female organisms. These attributes are typically categorised based on reproductive anatomy, chromosomes, and secondary sexual characteristics

Each human cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, and the 23rd pair determines an individual’s biological sex.

Both men and women carry one pair of sex chromosomes, but they differ in the combination they contribute to the child:

  • Women: Carry two X chromosomes (XX).
  • Men: Carry one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

During fertilisation, if a sperm carrying an X chromosome fertilises the egg, the resulting combination (XX) leads to a female embryo. If a sperm carrying a Y chromosome fertilises the egg, the combination (XY) results in a male embryo.

From the above description of the Biological Sex, it is clearly evident that the Gender of the baby is determined only through the sperm, which carries either the X Chromosome or Y Chromosome. In no way the mother who conceives is responsible for gender selection.

Why do some prefer Boy children?

Gender or the Sex of the Baby

Economic Considerations

Historically, sons were seen as providers and inheritors, responsible for carrying on the family name and lineage. This perspective is deeply ingrained in certain communities where economic activities are closely tied to agriculture and family businesses.

Dowry System

The prevalence of dowry in certain regions puts financial pressure on families with daughters. The expectation to provide a dowry can be a significant economic burden, leading to the preference for sons as they are considered to be future earners rather than financial liabilities.

Social Security:

Sons are often viewed as a form of social security for parents, especially in their old age. The belief that sons will take care of their parents in later years contributes to the preference for male children.

Cultural Norms and Traditions:

Cultural norms and traditions, deeply rooted in patriarchal structures, play a role in perpetuating son preference. The desire for male heirs is sometimes reinforced by societal expectations and beliefs.

Educational and Employment Opportunities:

In certain communities, limited educational and employment opportunities for women contribute to the perception that sons are better equipped to contribute economically to the family.

Discrimination Against Women:

Deep-seated gender discrimination against women, often manifesting in restricted mobility, limited access to education, and unequal treatment within families, reinforces the preference for male children.

To eliminate this discrimination, Sex Education and knowledge about the scientific terms regarding the Chromosome and sperm is necessary among the piers.

What is Sex Education?

Sex education, also known as sexuality education, is a broad term encompassing the teaching and learning of topics related to human sexuality, including the biology of sex, reproductive health, relationships, and sexual health. The goal of sex education is to provide accurate information, promote healthy attitudes and behaviors, and equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive lives.

Topics Covered in Sex Education Regarding Biology:

  • Biological Sex:

 Understanding the physiological and genetic aspects that determine male and female characteristics.

  • Reproductive Anatomy:

 Learning about the structures and functions of the reproductive organs in both males and females.

  • Menstrual Cycle and Puberty:

Explaining the biological processes of puberty, including the menstrual cycle, changes in secondary sexual characteristics, and hormonal fluctuations.

  • Conception and Pregnancy:

   Understanding the process of conception, foetal development, and the stages of pregnancy.

  • Contraception and Safe Sex:

Providing information on various methods of contraception and promoting awareness of safe sex practices to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies.

  • Sexual Health and Hygiene:

Promoting awareness of sexual health, including hygiene, regular health check-ups, and the importance of communication in sexual relationships.

  • Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation:

Discussing diverse aspects of gender identity, sexual orientation, and respecting individual differences.

How to Learn More About Sex Education?

School Programs

Many schools include sex education as part of their curriculum. Check with educational institutions to understand the topics covered and the resources available.

Online Resources

Numerous reputable websites and online platforms offer accurate and reliable information on sex education. Look for resources from health organisations, educational institutions, and government health departments.

Healthcare Providers

Consult healthcare providers, such as doctors, nurses, or sexual health clinics, for personalised information and guidance on sexual health.

Books and Publications

There are many books and publications written by experts in the field of sexual health and education. Look for resources that provide comprehensive and evidence-based information.

Community Workshops and Programs

Attend community-based workshops, seminars, or programs that focus on sexual health and education. Local health organisations or community centres may organise such events.

Counselling Services

Seek counselling services from professionals who specialise in sexual health and education. They can provide guidance and address individual concerns.

It’s essential to approach sex education with an open and non-judgmental mindset, fostering an environment where individuals feel comfortable seeking information and asking questions. Knowledge about sexual health empowers individuals to make informed decisions that contribute to their overall well-being.

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