We’ve seen and heard that many couples opt for surrogacy to start or expand their family. They have their own set of reasons for using this procedure, and they are clearly pleased with it. But did you know that LGBTQ+ couples can use surrogacy to add a child to their family? Surrogacy is quite popular among the gay community since it allows them to expand their family and become parents just like heterosexual couples.


We shall learn why LGBTQ+ couples choose surrogacy in the following article.

LGBT and surrogacyWhat is LGBTQ+ community?


LGBTQ+ is an abbreviation that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer, with the plus sign representing other identities within the community. This word refers to a wide range of people who identify as non-heterosexual and non-cisgender.


  • Lesbian: A woman who has feelings for other women.
  • Gay: A guy who is attracted to other males, or an umbrella term for all persons who are attracted to the same sex.
  • Bisexual: Someone who is attracted to persons of both genders.
  • Transgender: Someone whose gender identification differs from the sex given to them at birth.
  • Queer: An umbrella word for anyone who identifies as something other than heterosexual and/or cisgender.
  • Other identities include, but are not limited to, asexual, intersex, genderqueer, non-binary, and questioning people.


Because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, the LGBTQ+ group suffers significant problems and persecution. Individuals may face harassment, discrimination, and violence in a variety of settings, including school, work, healthcare, and housing. Several nations have made great progress in legalizing same-sex marriage, recognizing gender identity, and safeguarding LGBTQ+ persons from discrimination as the LGBTQ+ community has fought for equal rights, visibility, and acceptance.


Gay surrogacy


Gay surrogacy, also known as same-sex surrogacy, is a sort of surrogacy arrangement in which a homosexual couple or a single gay man employs a surrogate mother to carry and give birth to a child. The intended parents in this sort of arrangement are often homosexual males who are unable to conceive naturally owing to their sexual orientation.


Finding a surrogate mother through a surrogacy service or personal relationships is generally the first step in the gay surrogacy process. The intended parents then collaborate with the surrogate mother to draft an agreement outlining the surrogacy arrangement’s parameters, including any financial remuneration, medical treatments, and legal rights and obligations.


The intended parents can use their own sperm or that of an anonymous sperm donor to fertilise the surrogate mother’s egg via in vitro fertilisation (IVF). The resultant embryo is then transferred to the uterus of the surrogate mother for implantation and gestation.


The intended parents may be involved in various aspects of the surrogate mother’s care throughout the pregnancy and may attend prenatal appointments and the child’s birth. Following the delivery, the intended parents become the child’s legal parents, and the surrogate mother relinquishes her parental rights.


Gay surrogacy can give a way to fatherhood for homosexual men who are unable to conceive naturally, as well as the opportunity to establish a biological relationship with their kid.


What options do LGBTQ+ couples have?


Same-sex couples interested in surrogacy have various possibilities. These are some examples:


Traditional surrogacy: traditional surrogacy involves fertilising the surrogate mother’s egg with the intended father’s sperm or donor sperm, and implanting the resultant embryo in the surrogate’s uterus.


Gestational surrogacy: In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother carries an embryo generated with the egg and sperm of the intended parents or donors, or with donor egg and sperm.


Donation of eggs or sperm: Same-sex couples may opt to utilise donor eggs or sperm to generate embryos for surrogacy.


Surrogacy agency: Same-sex couples may want to collaborate with a surrogacy agency to find a surrogate and handle the surrogacy procedure.


Independent surrogacy: Same-sex couples may opt to find a surrogate on their own, either through personal relationships or through surrogacy advertisements.


Foreign surrogacy: Some same-sex couples may opt to seek surrogacy in a country where the laws are more permissive or the fees are lower.


Why do same-sex couples prefer surrogacy?


Surrogacy may be used by LGBTQ+ couples to have biological children if they are unable to conceive naturally owing to their sexual orientation. Surrogacy provides same-sex couples with a genetic link to their kid, which might be essential for certain couples.


Also, same-sex couples may choose surrogacy because they desire more control over their pregnancy and child’s upbringing. Surrogacy allows intended parents to be engaged in the pregnancy and delivery of the kid, as well as having a bigger voice in decisions concerning the child’s upbringing.


Lastly, same-sex couples may choose surrogacy because it can give a feeling of emotional fulfilment and family building that other methods, such as adoption or donor insemination, may not deliver. Surrogacy allows same-sex couples to have a biologically related family, which can be a significant aspect in their decision-making process.


Benefits of surrogacy for LGBTQ+


The following are some of the advantages of same-sex surrogacy:


    1. Biological connection:Same-sex surrogacy allows couples to have a biological tie to their kid, which might be significant for certain couples.
    2. Control over the pregnancy: Surrogacy allows intended parents to be part in the pregnancy and birthing process, giving them more control over the experience.
    3. Customization of the process: Same-sex couples can tailor the surrogacy process to their own requirements and preferences, including the choice of surrogate mother, medical procedures, and surrogate mother involvement in the child’s life after delivery.
    4. Emotional fulfilment: Surrogacy can bring a feeling of emotional fulfilment and family building that other methods, such as adoption or donor insemination, may not deliver.
  • Legal recognition: Surrogacy provides a legal road to parenting for same-sex couples in many countries, allowing them to establish legal parentage and acquire the same legal rights and protections as heterosexual couples.


As a result of the preceding blog, we can comprehend why LGBTQ+ people choose surrogacy. This method is highly helpful and desired by many homosexual parents who want to have their own family. Surrogacy is a great way for them to accomplish their dream.


India continues to see pride and surrogacy as the most stigmatised and prejudiced topics, and it is lagging far behind in embracing both. This has led to LGBTQ+ persons never leaving their bubble and starting their own families for fear of being judged by others. Nonetheless, we at MediPocket IVF and surrogacy believe the right to bear a child for every couple (regardless of their gender/partner choices)  . We at MediPocket Surrogacy USA assist them in begin a family and bringing a bundle of joy into their lives. Register now to get a complimentary consultation with our USA surrogacy experts 

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