Many people have heard various tales of couples who faced adversity in their lives and decided to use surrogacy to start or extend their family, but have you heard of one couple that faced adversity but found hope through surrogacy? We’re talking about Phillips and Manjusha, a couple from Missouri who hoped to raise a family but were thwarted when Manjusha was afflicted with cancer.
The following post will provide an outline of their experience and how they were able to have their child through surrogacy despite battling cancer.
Manjusha and Philips Abrahams were eager to raise a family by 2015, but Manjusha wanted to do something essential first. Her family has a history of breast and ovarian cancer, so she underwent genetic testing for BRCA. Yet her biggest nightmare came true. Manjusha not only had a genetic mutation, but she also had stage one breast cancer. The couple’s hope of having a child was destroyed by the sad news.
What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer is a form of cancer that begins in the breast cells. It can appear in many regions of the breast, such as the milk ducts, lobules, or other breast tissues. Breast cancer is one of the most frequent tumors in women, but it may also occur in men.
Breast cancer is often diagnosed with a physical exam of the breast, followed by imaging tests such as mammography, ultrasound, or MRI. A biopsy is frequently required to confirm the diagnosis and define the stage of the cancer, which includes removing a tiny sample of breast tissue for examination under a microscope.
Treatment for breast cancer is determined by a number of criteria, including the kind and stage of the disease, as well as the person’s age and overall health. Among the most prevalent therapies are:
Radiation therapy: To destroy cancer cells, high-energy X-rays or other forms of radiation are used. It is frequently used following surgery to eliminate any leftover cancer cells and prevent the cancer from returning.
Surgery: Surgery is frequently the initial treatment choice for breast cancer. The surgery’s purpose is to remove malignant tissue from the breast. The type of surgery required is determined on the stage and location of the malignancy. Lumpectomy (removal of only the malignant tissue), mastectomy (removal of the whole breast), and lymph node removal are all alternatives.
chemotherapy:Chemotherapy is a method of treatment in which chemicals are used to destroy cancer cells. When cancer has progressed beyond the breast or lymph nodes, it is frequently employed. It can be administered either before or after surgery.
Hormone therapy: Hormone therapy is a medication that inhibits the growth of certain breast tumours by blocking the hormone oestrogen. It is frequently used in the treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer.
In addition to these treatments, there are a variety of supporting therapies available, such as counselling, physical therapy, and rehabilitation, that can assist in managing the physical and mental impacts of breast cancer treatment. It is critical to remember that each person’s breast cancer diagnosis and treatment plan is unique and should be reviewed with a medical practitioner.
Complications of pregnancy after cancer treatment
Manjusha had undergone a double mastectomy and chemotherapy following the breast surgery. The final stage of therapy was to remove both ovaries. This therapeutic procedure minimised the danger of cancer and ensured Manjusha’s health, but the couple’s desire was yet to be realised.
The ability of a woman who has previously been diagnosed with cancer to conceive is dependent on a variety of circumstances, including the type of cancer she had, the stage of the disease, the therapy she had, and her overall health.
In certain situations, women who have had cancer treatment may have infertility as a result of their therapy. Radiation therapy to the pelvic area, for example, or some chemotherapy medicines, might harm the ovaries and reduce a woman’s ability to conceive. Before receiving cancer treatment, women may need to consider fertility preservation alternatives such as egg or embryo freezing.
Working closely with a medical team to monitor the pregnancy and ensure that it is healthy for both the mother and the growing foetus is critical for women who are able to conceive after cancer treatment. Depending on the woman’s medical history and treatment history, she may require particular monitoring during pregnancy or specialist delivery care.
In general, becoming pregnant after a cancer diagnosis is a difficult and personal decision that should be undertaken in conjunction with a medical team. Women who have had cancer treatment and are seeking pregnancy should consult with their healthcare experts to make an educated decision based on their unique circumstances.
A help from their friend
The expert removed some of Manjusha’s eggs for fertilisation and freezing prior to the chemotherapy procedure. Although many chemotherapy patients may successfully carry and birth children, this was not the case with Manjusha. Her breast tumour was oestrogen-positive, which means it thrived on oestrogen. She will take an oestrogen inhibitor for the next ten years to limit the chances of her cancer returning. Oestrogen is essential for the development of a foetus.
That’s when her friend Carrisa decided to step up and grant the couple’s longtime wish. Jerod and Carrisa already had three children and wanted the Abrahams to have their own child. This choice touched John and Manjusha and they couldn’t even turn down their friend’s offer.
Carrisa was 35 weeks pregnant when she felt labour pains and was sent to the hospital. John and Manjusha were promptly alerted of the news, and Nathan, John and Manjusha’s surrogate baby, was delivered later that day, on February 17, 2018. He was seen in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Manjusha and John wanted to use their remarkable event to give a good message to other couples who are facing similar challenges. Surrogacy assisted the couple when they had lost all hope of having a happy family. While many people believe that naturally conceiving provides good fortune to the parents, surrogacy also brings the same fortune to those who have lost hope, and cannot find the light in their darkest times.
The above essay nicely depicts how surrogacy may assist a couple in embarking on a new adventure of motherhood. We, as humans, face several health-related challenges, resulting in many ups and downs in life, particularly women who face substantial issues and changes in their bodies throughout their lives. While no one mentions it, reproduction challenges are widespread in the world, and having a self-choice and professional viewpoint is not incorrect. Surrogacy can help in both situations.
Did you know that the United States was the first country to start using surrogacy?, and are they the finest at carrying out the process? That is why we, MediPocket Surrogacy USA, have brought surrogacy to India. We want couples from India, who have the same wish as Manjusha and John, to experience the journey of parenthood in their life. Medipocket surrogacy USA offers services like IVF, surrogacy, egg and sperm donor. We make miracles happen in every couple’s life. Register now and book a slot to get connected with American board certified fertility experts.
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